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3 min read
I have developed a strange reputation. I can help people quit jobs.

2 min read
3 Communication Styles Every Team Needs to Know
Every person has a unique communication style. If we don't learn to understand each other's styles, we'll end up confused and frustrated.

3 min read
This One Common Lie Can Destroy Your Business
"If it's not broke, don't fix it" may be a valuable mantra is some instances, but in the fast-paced world of evolving technology and...

2 min read
The Best Way To Keep Your Best People
Are you tired of your best team members leaving for other opportunities? Workplace empathy might be the key ingredient you are missing....

5 min read
How Stress Can Make You A Better Leader
Each Enneagram type deals with stress differently, and each can harness stress in either healthy or unhealthy ways.

3 min read
Perhaps you’ve found yourself frustrated with the Millennials on your team. If so, you’re not alone. We’re not saying you need to coddle...

4 min read
5 Ways Poor Communication Is Sabotaging Your Team, pt.2
WARNING: You have an enemy lurking in your company. It sits in on your team meetings, and it even follows your team members home!...

3 min read
5 Ways Poor Communication is Sabotaging Your Team, PT.1
WARNING: You have an enemy lurking in your company. It sits in on your team meetings, and it even follows your team members home!...

1 min read
Choose To Celebrate The No’s
No can be a hard thing to hear. I’m not talking about a kid asking for candy; I’m talking about hearing no when you’re in sales or...

3 min read
Free Your Mental Space With Breadcrumbs
Remember the tale of Hansel and Gretal? Honestly, it’s kind of a messed-up story. It begins with a stepmother taking her stepchildren...
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